Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wow! How long has it been?! I am so sorry about not posting anything on the blog for almost 3 months! Really really sorry. And no, this doesn't mean I lost interest in the blog (how could I ever), it was just summer time and I was sort of busy...
In this post, I just want to follow up on everything that I have done over the summer. Let's talk!

1. Well, I stayed at a rental home in North Carolina for a week with my family. We also went to the beach almost every day! Beaches down south are way different than beaches where I live, NJ. There, the water was literally 78 degrees. This is the Atlantic ocean we are talking about. It was like a jacuzzi in there! I'm not sure why, though. The weather generally was warmer down there, but I don't know why the water was so hot. Strong undercurrents, big waves, and the water was crystal clear. Not kidding. I could see to the bottom. And there were fish.
As a side note, I would like to point out that two days ago, I went to a NJ beach on the Atlantic ocean, about 500 miles north of where I was sunbathing a week before that.

It smelled like sewage.

It was disgusting. But, I've gotta say, despite the poop smell, the water was pretty darn clear and I didn't see a single jellyfish. I usually see a lot of jellyfish in the water in New Jersey.

2. Also in North Carolina, my rental home also had a stable with two horses inside, and I was able to feed them and be around them a lot. It was very interesting. I learned that horses eat constantly. All the time. And they love baby carrots.

3. I know that I have been taking very big breaks on my blog. But, I have decided to toughen up and make a schedule. I will write on my blog every Sunday. I will write about current environmental news, my own observations about the environment, and rant if I feel the need.

4. Lastly, I have added a new gadget to my blog, it's up top, right under the blog's logo. If you click on the mail icon, you can email me at for any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions that you might have!
The icon next to it will lead you to my Pinterest account, where I have 2 folders, among others, called Nature and Environmental News where I will post interesting things I see from nature. You can follow me there to see the pictures.
Next I have an icon that will bring you to my YouTube account, where I have been making videos. They are usually not about the environment but more about singing and funny things.
Then, I have my Instagram account. You can follow me there also!
Lastly, I have my Google+ account.

And that's all the news I have this week! Make sure to check out the blog next Sunday, because I will post another post :-)

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