Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Getting Attention

If you remember in my post "News (Good or Bad?)" I gave a link to a video called Rising Sea Levels Can Put Millions At Risk By 2030. Well, doesn't that confirm my belief that I stated in my post "A Warning"? Global warming is as important-- maybe more-- than some of the things that we have been hearing about lately. Some topics that are supposed to be very "important" are getting too much attention, I think. Politics and the presidential election is one of them. And the opposite is also happening. Topics that are extremely important are not getting enough attention. Topics like breast cancer, global warming, and people trying to speak out are not getting enough attention. These topics are as important as the presidential election. My belief is that if you are concerned about something, you should talk about it. Convince people that whatever they are doing is not right. That's what I'm trying to do, with this blog. And I think it will work.

Remember the BP oil spill in the Gulf back in 2010? It's not over. According to scientists, the lingering oil has had a big affect on animals, and not in a good way. This is a video that is absolutely heartbreaking-- "beyond heartbreaking" is what the news anchor said--- about how the oil is affecting the dolphin population. I think that it is terrible. Here is the the link:

P.S. I know it's early, but what are you doing on Earth Day?

Earth Day - Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Replenish - Restore

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Warning

Global Warming- If it keeps going, guess what's going to happen? In, say, 100 years, the coasts of Europe, Asia, the Americas will all be under water. Hawaii will be totally under water-- even New York City will be flooded!!!! Thousands of animals will die, thousands of people will die, and most of the world will be either underwater (the nightmare version of Atlantis...) or will be desert because of the protective ozone layer around the Earth melting and more of the sun's rays will come in. Tornadoes will be more common, and water will not be. Countries will fight over the areas with lots of freshwater, and that water will be traded like gold. Do you want anyone to live in a world like this? Yes, it sounds like a bad nightmare or a science fiction story, but this is a big possibility in the human race's future. But we can stop global warming now, without any more damage being done-- to ourselves and the Earth. Again, here is the question: would you want anyone to live in a world like this?

Monday, March 19, 2012

News (Good or Bad?)

I've found more news on some websites today that I'm going to share with you guys.
The first article I found is on the Economist (I read some of the science and technology articles on it-- they have good articles about global warming) about capturing CO2... and "tucking it away" in the Earth's crust. I think it's a pretty creative idea. Here's the article:
The next thing is a simple graphic explanation of global warming on BBC News for people who do not fully understand global warming to get a better idea:
This next video I'm going to show you is from NBC Nightly News called Rising Sea Levels Can Put Millions At Risk By 2030.
Unfortunately, I cannot show you the complete article for this last bit of news, but it is from a scientific kids magazine (FYI- I read it) called Odyssey. I think that you can find the magazine in your local library, probably next month. The article is called Extreme Weather: A Glimpse Of Things To Come? Here's the "preview" of the article:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Things

Here is one more tip to add to all of the other "eco-tips" I have:
  • Solar Panels. If you have a house (not an apartment building), I TOTALLY encourage you to put install solar panels on the roof of your house, so that the sun generates your electricity. True, it costs some money to buy them initially, but it saves a lot of money when you stop getting those monthly electric bills in the mail.
And, here's a wonderful video from MSN about one man working to take photographs of every species against a black and white background to raise awareness about these animals. You know, animals are part of global warming too. They don't cause it, of course, but they are all part of the food chain. If one species becomes extinct because their environment is being destroyed by humans, its like a domino effect; more and more animals become extinct or have to change dramatically in a short amount if time to adapt to their shrinking habitat. It's just not right.
Anyway, here is the link to the video: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/#45906508 
Stay tuned!